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5 tips for beginners

It is said that any journey begins with the first step. It’s very easy to question which path is better, what to do, or what is the better equipment to use. I’m not going to lie and say that the equipment doesn’t help, but if one doesn’t know how to operate it ends up with the same results with better resolution.

I’ll leave you with 5 tips that I think anyone should follow when starting up:

1 – Always aim to improve

Your photos can be good, but it doesn’t matter how good they are, they can be better. Experiment new techniques, search for new perspectives, accept different projects or try different equipment. These can greatly improve the quality of your work.

2 – Research

This is something that helps me a lot. By following other photographers, watching tutorials (or online workshops) on YouTube, and such, can help you discover new techniques or improve the ones you already know. Also, a rich visual culture can boost or creativity, and inspiration.

3 – Improvise

The location might not be what we expected, or the lightning not that good but to be able to improvise is an amazing skill. Don’t get stuck with your initial idea; enjoy and explore other possibilities until you find one that suits you. If you’re limited by a low budget and need to DIY some sets, improvisation proves again to be a great skill to be had. Be creative and try new things.

4 – Create a good routine

I can speak from experience that having several shooting sessions to edit can hinder one’s production flow: schedule a good editing routine. If you use social media, create a system that works with you; plan ahead and update everything as fast as possible so you don’t get overloaded with pending posts. Use your working time efficiently.

5 – Give it time

Nothing comes instantly, and no one is perfect. Creating a good portfolio can take years. Analyze your mistakes and improve on them, do not get demotivated and don’t give up, but you have to work every day to gain experience. Nonetheless, it’s important to be patient and focus on improving our work instead of waiting around.

I hope these tips are useful on your journey. If you want to read more posts like these, do subscrive to my blog!

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