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  • Foto do escritorFelix Works

worklog 1 [en]

First work log!

And reading this, you must be thinking: ‘wow, a work log but what the hell is that?’

To cut things short, a work log is a blog post where I’ll detail some of my techniques, difficulties and stuff that happened during photoshoots. I hope you like it!

This was my first time working with Flan. We had scheduled a shoot and everything was set. We had a place and some interesting ideas like fake blood, for instance.

But when we got to the place, I noticed something: I forgot the batteries at home... Luckily, my assistant, guardian angel, and savior (Lu) quickly volunteered to buy more.

We started off on the wrong foot but we didn’t waste time. We rehearsed some poses and looked into the places where we were going to shoot. When Lu returned we could finally start.

During our session, I used a regular flash on Flan and another with a red gel flash as a rim light. That would be impossible without the batteries.

We recorded some clips after each photo to create a showcase but there wasn’t enough footage to create a single video. So, we used all the footage for the behind the scenes video, and that video became the first vlog on my newly updated YouTube channel.

The time to apply the fake blood has come!

Here are some tips regarding fake blood:

- Make sure the person is not allergic!

- Carry some tissues to avoid stains, and some wet wipes for cleaning after;

- Save the fake blood shoot for last. Fake blood can make the skin turn red;

- If you’re going to place it in your mouth, be sure it’s the right kind of fake blood.

Overall, be creative and have fun!

Light was almost gone when we finished our shoot. It was then that I noticed that the memory with all the footage was gone... We walked and walked looking for the memory card with no success. We had to give up. But... When I got home, I found the card stored inside my 50mm! Well, at least we didn’t lose all of the footage.

And here’s the vlog of that fateful day!

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