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  • Foto do escritorFelix Works

Welcome to my blog!

Hello, welcome to my blog.

I think that as a cliché thing and by necessity, every blog should start with an introduction.

My name is Samuel and I’m also known as Felix Works. I’m a photographer since 2007 and I try not to focus on only one type of photography (although I’m mostly known for my cosplay photography).

I assume that the people reading this are probably thinking:

"But Sam, we’re not in 2001 anymore. So why the hell are you creating a blog now?"

Well, the saying goes that a picture is worth a thousand words, but just by looking at a picture people don’t know what it took to immortalize that moment and that’s where the blog comes into action.

This blog has the goal to show the process behind my work, share tips and practical photography/editing tutorials.

I can’t promise that I'll be very active when it comes to posting but I want to achieve good posts that are well built, useful and interesting. I hope that you come and visit, and if you don’t want to miss a single post you can subscribe to the blog and receive notifications on your email of every new post.

Translated by Catarina Lopes

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